Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Adventure Begins - Carmichael Salon, San Francisco

Thanks to the inspiration and education of the Guerrilla Business School, the Carmichael Salon opened up on August 26, 2009. Let the adventure continue......
We'd love to see you all here in the heart of downtown San Francisco.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Michael E. Gerber - Awakening the Entrepreneur Within

It's taken awhile but I've recently discovered Michael E. Gerber, the founder of E-Myth Worldwide, and In the Dreaming Room, and I've just started listening on CD to the unabridged version of his Awakening the Entrepreneur Within. He is quite inspirational, and has opened my eyes and mind to the true "entrepreneur" that has always been inside of me.



Lots to listen to and read, and I am quite excited to learn more about him.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Guerrilla Business 2008

We've starting this special Blogger site to keep our friends and family updated on our new business-outlook since our Peak Potentials Training - Guerrilla Business School.

We had read the book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth, by T. Harv Eker, and then attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive in October 2007, with trainer Doug Nelson. After that incredible learning and bonding experience we knew that the next step would be to attend the Guerrilla Business School.

This past weekend we had the priviledge of working with trainers/speakers T. Harv Eker, Rob Riopel, Bill Bartmann, John Assaraf, Chet Holmes, Armand Morin, Christine Comaford-Lynch, Paul Lemberg, Clinton Swain and Keith Cunningham, and the incredible staff and volunteers of the Peak Potentials Training Team

Along with the incredible 5 day program, we also made some wonderful new friendships that we know will last a lifetime. We also look forward to keeping in touch with our new friends, and would like to share their stories, their websites and their successes.

And along with the over 500 attendees, a special thanks to Russel, John, Jane and Gibson for being such great class-mates!

We'll also include links to those websites and people that we'll be using as guides along the way of our new business adventure.

Good or good...?